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  • Jurnal Entrepreneur dan Entrepreneurship

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  • Journal Community Service Consortium

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  • Jurnal Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community (LeECOM)

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  • Review of Management and Entrepreneurship

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  • Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology (JAEF)

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  • Media Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Indonesia

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  • International Journal of Review Management Business and Entrepreneurship (RMBE)

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  • Psychopreneur Journal

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  • Calathu: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

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  • Journal of Tourism, Culinary, and Entrepreneurship (JTCE)

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  • Prosiding FK UC

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  • Prominentia Medical Journal

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  • Aksen : Journal of Design and Creative Industry

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  • Moda : The Fashion Journal

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  • Folio

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  • Jurnal VICIDI

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  • VCD

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  • Jurnal Informatika dan Sistem Informasi

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